Data Entry vs Data Review Columns


So far we've added columns that will allow our teachers to enter or amend the data in each column. SIMS call these columns 'data entry'. But sometimes we want to prevent users from entering their own data and just show them data, without the risk of someone accidentlally changing the dat in them. Examples of this are target columns and key stage results. In each case we might not want other people to be able to change a target or result from a previous key stage.Here's how to add them to our marksheet:

More Info

  • As an assessment co-ordinator you have two methods of making a column 'read only': either you can add the column as a data review column, or you can add the column as a 'data entry' column and tick the 'read only' option.
  • Let's add two read only column to out new template: one column to display (but not edit) the pupil's KS2 result and another column to display (but not edit) a baseline assessment
  • Actually, you have three methods of making a column read only. The third method is to lock the result set. We'll come back to that later.

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