Result sets


In this lecture we'll discuss what a result set is and how it can be used. We'll create a few example result sets and I'll give you some tips and tricks for creating your own.

Don't worry too much if you still don't understand result sets. The lecture on marksheets will show you how to combine an aspect with a result set, and all will become clear.

Watch the video demo below, then read the tips and hints. If you are creating a new system from scratch I've also included my recommended result sets list for primary and secondary schools which gives you the names of the most frequently used result sets.

Tip and Hints

A Result Set is Just a Label

A result set is just a label which we attach to an aspect in a marksheet column. A result set is a label to identify the point in the pupil's school career at which they attained a certain grade or mark.

Tip: Prefix with a * or ! (or #)

Your list of result sets will grow fast. You might find that you've inherited a long list of obscurely named marksheets from previous data managers. I recommend that you prefix your most often used result sets with a * (asterisk) or ! (exclamation mark). SIMS lists result sets in alphabetical order so these results sets will be at the top of the list. So if you create a new result set, prefix it with a special character. If you have inherited a long list of existing result sets you can amend the names of each one and add a special character to the existing name.

Tip: Don't Create a Result Set that refers to a Chronological Year

It's almost always a mistake to create a result set that refers to a specific year. For example creating Year 8 2014/15 Autumn Term is not recommended. You don't need to include a reference to the current academic year. SIMS will keep track of the pupils in Year 8 during 2015/16. No need to use a result set. A better name for the result set is simply 'Year 8 Autumn Term'.

Hint: Use a naming convention

Adopt a standard naming convention for your result sets. You'll be working with result sets a lot if you use Assessment Manager.

Tip: Choose names chronologically

Lists of result sets are always displayed in alphabetical (not chronological) order. Plan ahead to create result set names where alphabetical order is the same as chronological order. Luckily, the words 'autumn', 'spring' and 'summer' are in alphabetical as well as chronological order. If I need to create a baseline result set I often place an extra space character before the letter 'b' to make sure it

Use Your Assessment Calendar

Most schools have an assessment calendar which records which year groups are assessed in which term. Refer to your schools' assessment calendar (if you have one). If the calendar refers to 'Autumn Half Term' assessment, then call your result sets something similar.

Don't Create Too Many

Once you have your basic system in place, be reluctant to create a new result set. In 99% of cases one of the ones I suggested in this course will be sufficient.

Easily change the name of a result set

Because a result set is just a label, you can change the name on the label without worry about its impact elsewhere. So if you want to change the name of your result set, just do it - all the marksheets and other resources will catch up automatically.

Recommended result sets for primary schools

If you are creating a new system, or have no suitable existing result sets, here is my list of recommended result sets. If your school has no plans to introduce half termly assessments then leave them out of your system.

  • !Year 1 Autumn HT
  • !Year 1 Autumn Term
  • !Year 1 Spring HT
  • !Year 1 Spring Term
  • !Year 1 Summer HT
  • !Year 1 Summer Term

... continue through to !Year 6 Summer Term

You might also want to include Reception, N1 and N2 like this:

  • !Year R Autumn HT
  • !Year N1 Autumn HT
  • !Year N2 Autumn HT

If you need to record a baseline value at the start of the academic year:

!Year 1 Baseline

Tip: I've added two space characters before the B in baseline. This puts the result set before !Year 1 Autumn HT and maintains the chronological order.

Recommended result sets for secondary schools

Many secondary schools adopt result sets similar to those for primary schools. Hence:

  • !Year 7 Autmn HT
  • !Year 7 Autumn Term
  • !Year 7 Spring HT
  • !Year 7 Spring Term
  • !Year 7 Summer HT
  • !Year 7 Summer Term

... and continue to !Year 11 Summer Term

But some secondary schools adopt a numbered approach, especially if they don't assess every subject every term. Hence:

  • !Year 7 Assessment 1
  • !Year 7 Assessment 2
  • !Year 7 Assessment 3
  • !Year 7 Assessment 4
  • !Year 7 Assessment 5

... (assuming this school assesses 5 times per year) and continue down to !Year 11 Assessment 5

Some schools use a month based system:

  • !Year 7 October
  • !Year 7 February
  • !Year 7 May etc.

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