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Bromcom Power BI Skills 2025
Introducing the Power Query Editor
Getting data from Bromcom's Odata feed (9:20)
Power Query Editor Basics Part 1 (10:21)
Power Query Editor Basics Part 2 (12:47)
Power Query Editor Basics Part 3 (12:05)
Power BI Desktop Basics
Power BI Desktop: Canvas (12:02)
Adding cards visualizations and introducing filtering (11:19)
Counting students: creating your first measure in DAX (9:31)
Adding a bar chart for year groups (5:21)
Fixing the year groups 'problem' (13:14)
Formatting the Bar Chart (7:30)
More Visuals in Power BI Desktop
Pie and Donut Charts (11:45)
Treemaps and 'sideways' bar charts - choosing the best visual for the job (11:32)
Formatting card visuals and using the format painter (7:33)
Adding a percentage bar chart for Pupil Premium pupils (8:19)
Tidying Up (4:35)
Finessing your report
Tables and matrices (9:25)
Drill Through Pages (9:24)
Adding a Power BI group to create a Key Stage column (5:41)
Drill up and drill down (7:34)
Adding attendance data
Turn off auto relationships (2:38)
Importing the Attendance YTD table from the oData feed (10:38)
Creating a relationship between Student and Attendance YTD (5:19)
Create an Attendance YTD Measure (9:19)
Using the Attendance Measure - Why Measures Are So Powerful (10:36)
Treemaps and 'sideways' bar charts - choosing the best visual for the job
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